
Intelligence Gathering

LTE Mobile Monitoring Platform

Law Enforcement Agencies face a growing challenge from criminals and terrorist organisations that utilise the latest technology in communications in order to conduct their illegal activities. LMS are able to provide an LTE Mobile Monitoring Platform to conduct surveillance operations in a given area or against Persons of Interest by performing jamming, recording and manipulation of targeted handsets to gain intelligence, collate information and profile datasets to understand the threats emanating against the State whilst these threats are still in an embryonic stage of development.

Fraud Managment Solution

Mobile phones are used more and more in planning and execution of organized crimes and terrorism. The 2G (GSM), 3G (UMTS) and 4G (LTE) networks are designed to protect the security of the communication and the subscriber identities. Increasing use of the prepaid SIM cards makes the identifying of the target at lawful interception (LI) points more complicated.


Law Enforcement Monitoring Facility (LEMF)

The Interception Solution is a state-of-the-art Law Enforcement Monitoring Facility (LEMF) that has been designed to receive, record, decode and store interceptions’ communications from virtually any sources.

Once the solutions are installed it will enable complete autonomy of covert Centralized Telecommunications Monitoring operations and full automation of the process of CDR, SMS and TCP/IP data extraction and GSM real-time location updates on suspects. Resulting in - Increased speed and efficiency of the Agency and ability to run centralised investigations and tracking without involving Telco personnel or creating an opportunity to compromise an investigation.

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